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Equine Dreamcatcher

501(c)(3) Nonprofit Charity Organization 

Equine Dreamcatcher is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social well-being of youth through year around equine activities. We are committed to empowering our youth community with the healing power of horses and the lifelong friendships made along the way.


Youth may live with physical, emotional and/or intellectual challenges. Some disabilities are clear and evident, but some are not. One goal is for the youth community to make physical and emotional strides during their equine activates. This could be through lessons that are taught by instructors who are focused on what they can accomplish, not on their limitations or completive equine showing.


Equine activities condition youth to be true equestrians and to embrace all aspects of the equine world. Through these actives they will learn the importance of consistency in their routines, habits, and interactions with these sensitive animals and other individuals. They will become caretakers attending to the needs of their horses often before their own needs, enhancing their ability to empathize. The development of positive traits will include responsibility, accountability, patience, level-headedness, kindness, and self-discipline. It has also been stated equine actives improves academic and leadership skills. The health benefits from equine riding and caring for a horse promotes exercise, balance, coordination, and flexibility. This also teaches youth the importance of good nutrition, veterinary check-ups, dental work, and regular exercise are to a horse, they begin to appreciate their own health needs.

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